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Landlubber Ln
Bradley, CA
4 Bed
3.0 Bath
2750 ft2

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Beautiful home located in oak shores community on Lake Nacimiento. Home has 4 bedrooms, 2 attached to large balcony. 3 full baths. Large living room with wood burning stove. Additional family room with fireplace. Dining room and large kitchen. Open house will start Thursday July 15-Saturday 17. Please feel free to call for appointment. House number is 805-472-9300, cell service not the best. Prior to Thursday please contact on cell. Additional pictures will be added on Thursday.
Beautiful home located in oak shores community on Lake Nacimiento. Home has 4 bedrooms, 2 attached to large balcony. 3 full baths. Large living room with wood burning stove. Additional family room with fireplace. Dining room and large kitchen. Open house will start Thursday July 15-Saturday 17. Please feel free to call for appointment. House number is 805-472-9300, cell service not the best. Prior to Thursday please contact on cell. Additional pictures will be added on Thursday.
Basic Details
Square Feet
2,750 ft2
Property Type
House (Single Family Residence)
Interior Details
Exterior Details