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Haskell Ave
North Hills, CA
SOLD for $610,000 on 07/20/2018
3 Bed
3.0 Bath
1573 ft2

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>>>>>>HUGE massive lot for anyone looking to PARK, STORE, BUILD, DEVELOP or use a BIG area for a recovery-sober-living-facility and expand the home with more square footage and/or ADUs or back yard amenities. >>>DO NOT DISTURB OCCUPANTS<<<< property will be delivered vacant!!!! We are BROKERS and absolutely NOT looking to list the property with any realtors but happy to pay commissions. please email HOMEproPLUS@gmail.com for info on access.
>>>>>>HUGE massive lot for anyone looking to PARK, STORE, BUILD, DEVELOP or use a BIG area for a recovery-sober-living-facility and expand the home with more square footage and/or ADUs or back yard amenities. >>>DO NOT DISTURB OCCUPANTS<<<< property will be delivered vacant!!!! We are BROKERS and absolutely NOT looking to list the property with any realtors but happy to pay commissions. please email HOMEproPLUS@gmail.com for info on access.
Basic Details
Square Feet
1,573 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
House (Single Family Residence)
Interior Details
Exterior Details