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Sherman Ave
Tavares, FL
SOLD for $100,000 on 09/19/2023
1 Bed
1.0 Bath
606 ft2

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1/1 cement block home at 1208 Sherman Avenue. As is with best offer considered I am the owner, The tenant is moving , Please Do Not Disturb, as she will be moving very soon, thank you, drive-bys are welcomed, Feel free to call me at (352)409-3298, thank you, Christi Brandt I like that this home is close to the hospital and at the same time downtown, I also like the stucco and the precast on the round the windows, in the backyard shade tree.
1/1 cement block home at 1208 Sherman Avenue. As is with best offer considered I am the owner, The tenant is moving , Please Do Not Disturb, as she will be moving very soon, thank you, drive-bys are welcomed, Feel free to call me at (352)409-3298, thank you, Christi Brandt I like that this home is close to the hospital and at the same time downtown, I also like the stucco and the precast on the round the windows, in the backyard shade tree.
Basic Details
Square Feet
606 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
Interior Details
Exterior Details