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Maude Rd
Wauchula, FL 33873

$385,000 heart
0 Bed
0 Bath
0 ft2
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25 acres -- BEAUTIFUL SECLUDED PRIME HUNTING LAND 20 acres of pasture fenced and cross fenced with cow pens and pond -- 5 acres of income producing grove with electric deep well to irrigate. Grove income will pay the property taxes! The property is surrounded by groves making it excellent for hunting deer, turkey, hogs and other wildlife! Also, it is approximately 3 miles to a convenience store for gas, snacks, etc!!
25 acres -- BEAUTIFUL SECLUDED PRIME HUNTING LAND 20 acres of pasture fenced and cross fenced with cow pens and pond -- 5 acres of income producing grove with electric deep well to irrigate. Grove income will pay the property taxes! The property is surrounded by groves making it excellent for hunting deer, turkey, hogs and other wildlife! Also, it is approximately 3 miles to a convenience store for gas, snacks, etc!!
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