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Davis Dr
Minneola, FL
4 Bed
2.0 Bath
1654 ft2

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Correct address is 4366 Davos Drive Clermont FL 34711. Realtors!!!! Please don’t call for listing. Bring your pre-approved buyer and will pay commission. Brand new homes less than 1 year built in the Hartwood Landing community. Still under builders warranty. 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and many upgrades after closing. A must see house! Please call if interested to come see it!!!
Correct address is 4366 Davos Drive Clermont FL 34711. Realtors!!!! Please don’t call for listing. Bring your pre-approved buyer and will pay commission. Brand new homes less than 1 year built in the Hartwood Landing community. Still under builders warranty. 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and many upgrades after closing. A must see house! Please call if interested to come see it!!!
Basic Details
Square Feet
1,654 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
Interior Details
Exterior Details