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46th Ave N
St. Petersburg, FL
1 Bed
1.0 Bath
0 ft2

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55 And up mobile home park heated pool and shuffle board court 1 bedroom 1 bathroom dining room, kitchen sunroom used as living room. This is a single wide 28 foot mobile home with added on sunroom used as living room area. This will be sold as is. You buy it as it is. I will not update, repair or replace anything on this property. You’re buying as is. Built in 1958 Work is needed on this home. You decide what needs to be done to fit your needs when you buy it. Bedroom has a closet, built in shelving above built in dresser. Bathroom has 3 closets all on same wall. Living room has 1 closet. Carport and shed. Park pays water and trash. You are responsible for mowing . Good thing is hardly any grass so I weed eat the place instead of mowing. Lot rent is 817.23 You can contact the office for any other needed details, background check etc. I will be leaving some furnishings .Microwave, bed, refrigerator, stove. And some pots, pans, dishes and utensils. Please remember this place is selling as is. No low ball offers. Title on hand. Laundromat in back of park. $6500 Selling as is Lot rent is due on the 1st of every month payable to park. Contact them for details.
55 And up mobile home park heated pool and shuffle board court 1 bedroom 1 bathroom dining room, kitchen sunroom used as living room. This is a single wide 28 foot mobile home with added on sunroom used as living room area. This will be sold as is. You buy it as it is. I will not update, repair or replace anything on this property. You’re buying as is. Built in 1958 Work is needed on this home. You decide what needs to be done to fit your needs when you buy it. Bedroom has a closet, built in shelving above built in dresser. Bathroom has 3 closets all on same wall. Living room has 1 closet. Carport and shed. Park pays water and trash. You are responsible for mowing . Good thing is hardly any grass so I weed eat the place instead of mowing. Lot rent is 817.23 You can contact the office for any other needed details, background check etc. I will be leaving some furnishings .Microwave, bed, refrigerator, stove. And some pots, pans, dishes and utensils. Please remember this place is selling as is. No low ball offers. Title on hand. Laundromat in back of park. $6500 Selling as is Lot rent is due on the 1st of every month payable to park. Contact them for details.
Basic Details
Year Built
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Exterior Details