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County Line Rd
East Palatka, FL
0 Bed
0 Bath
0 ft2

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Land no home.. 2.05 acres... 2.05 Acres.... IN IMAGE IT IS THE PROPERTY WITH TREES NOT THE CLEAR LAN.D.. Its like a boot. There are 2 graves all the way in the back. Parcel number 13-09-27-2315-0000-0010 WM A EVANS S/D MB1 P76, LOTS 1 + 2 (TWO GRAVES WERE, FOUND ON THIS PROPERTY APPROX., 275 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE, OF LOT 2 AND JUST SOUTH OF THE, POWER LINE AND ROAD) Email for fast response I HAVE NEVER SEEN OR BEEN TO THIS PROPERTY!! Clear the trees and you have a nice parcel to either build a house or do whatever REALTORS DONT WASTE MY TIME ASKING TO SELL IT! If you have a buyer I?11 work something out with you! Email for fastest reply
Land no home.. 2.05 acres... 2.05 Acres.... IN IMAGE IT IS THE PROPERTY WITH TREES NOT THE CLEAR LAN.D.. Its like a boot. There are 2 graves all the way in the back. Parcel number 13-09-27-2315-0000-0010 WM A EVANS S/D MB1 P76, LOTS 1 + 2 (TWO GRAVES WERE, FOUND ON THIS PROPERTY APPROX., 275 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE, OF LOT 2 AND JUST SOUTH OF THE, POWER LINE AND ROAD) Email for fast response I HAVE NEVER SEEN OR BEEN TO THIS PROPERTY!! Clear the trees and you have a nice parcel to either build a house or do whatever REALTORS DONT WASTE MY TIME ASKING TO SELL IT! If you have a buyer I?11 work something out with you! Email for fastest reply
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