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Palm Dr
Holmes Beach, FL
3 Bed
2.0 Bath
1352 ft2

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This property is an income generator. Great opportunity to own an island home. Come vacation when you want and rent out the other times to cover your expenses. The beach is only 2 1/2 blocks away and the beach doesn't have any large condos so it is never crowded. Each unit has a large single car garage with laundry hookups plus the A unit has a large storage area that can be turned into a mancave. A back stair leads to a large deck on the first floor that is semi private. The back of the property sits on Spring Lake with mangrove trees supplying ample privacy.
This property is an income generator. Great opportunity to own an island home. Come vacation when you want and rent out the other times to cover your expenses. The beach is only 2 1/2 blocks away and the beach doesn't have any large condos so it is never crowded. Each unit has a large single car garage with laundry hookups plus the A unit has a large storage area that can be turned into a mancave. A back stair leads to a large deck on the first floor that is semi private. The back of the property sits on Spring Lake with mangrove trees supplying ample privacy.
Basic Details
Square Feet
1,352 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
2-4 Units
Interior Details
Exterior Details