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W Sepulveda St
San Pedro, CA
2 Bed
1.0 Bath
676 ft2

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This property is located in a Historical area of San Pedro, Built 1927, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath has attractive floor plan for beginning buyer; seeking a home to personalize to their taste. Subject property has a 2 car detached garage with alley entrance; there is a detached rumpance room for entertainment. This property is 1 block from entrance to 110 Freeway and Vincent Thomas Bridge.
This property is located in a Historical area of San Pedro, Built 1927, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath has attractive floor plan for beginning buyer; seeking a home to personalize to their taste. Subject property has a 2 car detached garage with alley entrance; there is a detached rumpance room for entertainment. This property is 1 block from entrance to 110 Freeway and Vincent Thomas Bridge.
Basic Details
Square Feet
676 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
House (Single Family Residence)
Interior Details
Exterior Details