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Morgan Ln
Cooper City, FL
3 Bed
3.0 Bath
1950 ft2

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Everything homes renovated comes furnished very well taken care of private has three parking spots, which includes the garage inquire for more details accepting cash only offers for sale by owner. Please no realtors contact me as I�m not interested in doing business with realtors. I bought it for cash and it�s selling for cash houses in pristine condition floors redone, new washer, new dryer, new dishwasher, etc..
Everything homes renovated comes furnished very well taken care of private has three parking spots, which includes the garage inquire for more details accepting cash only offers for sale by owner. Please no realtors contact me as I�m not interested in doing business with realtors. I bought it for cash and it�s selling for cash houses in pristine condition floors redone, new washer, new dryer, new dishwasher, etc..
Basic Details
Square Feet
1,950 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
Interior Details
Exterior Details