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Lemon Ave
Long Beach, CA
2 Bed
2.0 Bath
1006 ft2

✕ indicates that this listing is not listed in the MLS
If you are a buyer with an agent and this listing is not in the MLS, you may want to ask the seller if they are open to compensating your agent. If they are not open to this, you always have the option of compensating your agent from your own funds.
If you are an agent and you do not see this listing in your MLS, you may wish to ask the seller to sign a Single-Party Compensation Agreement.

Read FIRST, THEN CALL MANDI ON (702) 287-3984. It is for a first time buyer, for cash sale of $10,800! Selling my home because, my family and I own many homes across the US. Once a year we sell one or a few of our homes to first time buyers for under $25,000. This is done to bless a family or individual that needs it but, also as a tax write off for us. Not interested in anyone with representation or anyone that has previously owned a home. So, no realtors, no lenders, no investors, no wholesalers, no attorneys, no third parties and no one that has ever owned a property. FIRST TIME BUYERS ONLY! This home has tenants until the 14th of July. They've purchased their own property and are in the process of moving, but due to their lease and contract, we must give 72 hours notice before a person can see the inside or do a walk thru. We are not giving that notice until a person or persons interested, deposits $800 cash via Moneygram, sent to my mom. This will happen immediately after an individual calls to say the person (s) wants to move forward. This is done and then a signed contractual letter of intent is sent, as a formal receipt, signed by me, after you have sent a picture of your ID and email address to our property manager and the $800 deposit is sent. THIS Process IS NON-NEGOTIABLE! Before deposit, our property manager Mandi is the only representation dealing with this home, (she is NOT a Realtor, Agent or Broker), just our property manager whom we trust with all of our sales, as she manages our many property rentals, while we are living out of state. Her number is beside my name at the bottom of the listing. She will send an interested purchaser the contractual letter of intent (already signed by me), after a picture of that individuals ID is texted for verification and their email address. This contract which states that the $800 is fully refundable, once the walk thru happens, if you no longer want it, will be sent to you. However, it is also made clear that the seller will not give the notice to the tenants until the $800 cash, is confirmed being received via deposit, via MoneyGram is completed. I will at that point, once funds are confirmed to have been received, by my mom, will remove the listing offline, so it will revert to the original \"sold\" status from when I purchased it, or read \"off market\" or \"sale pending\". Following that, also giving the notice to the tenants of the walk thru happening in 3 days. If after the walk thru the purchaser still wants to move forward, then the balance $10,000 will either be due at closing or over 5 years owner financing at $167 a month. No interest is attached and we will pay all taxes for the property for the entire 5 years, if the $167 monthly option is taken! Closing will be on the 15th of July and the home will be able to be possessed at that time. Closing costs and title fees will be paid by me, at closing and thru a title company. (PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THE TITLE COMPANY WILL NOT BE INVOLVED UNTIL AFTER THE WALK THRU COMMENCES AND PURCHASER AGREES TO THE FULL SALE, AND CLOSING PROCEEDS). If you are not a first time buyer with the $800 via Moneygram, sent to my mom sent, and you are not willing to follow the process we have stated above, then this home is not for you! PERIOD. So, please don't contact our property manager to waste her time! However, if you are ready and willing to do the process, without hesitation, then call our property manager, Mandi today on (702) 287-3984.
Read FIRST, THEN CALL MANDI ON (702) 287-3984. It is for a first time buyer, for cash sale of $10,800! Selling my home because, my family and I own many homes across the US. Once a year we sell one or a few of our homes to first time buyers for under $25,000. This is done to bless a family or individual that needs it but, also as a tax write off for us. Not interested in anyone with representation or anyone that has previously owned a home. So, no realtors, no lenders, no investors, no wholesalers, no attorneys, no third parties and no one that has ever owned a property. FIRST TIME BUYERS ONLY! This home has tenants until the 14th of July. They've purchased their own property and are in the process of moving, but due to their lease and contract, we must give 72 hours notice before a person can see the inside or do a walk thru. We are not giving that notice until a person or persons interested, deposits $800 cash via Moneygram, sent to my mom. This will happen immediately after an individual calls to say the person (s) wants to move forward. This is done and then a signed contractual letter of intent is sent, as a formal receipt, signed by me, after you have sent a picture of your ID and email address to our property manager and the $800 deposit is sent. THIS Process IS NON-NEGOTIABLE! Before deposit, our property manager Mandi is the only representation dealing with this home, (she is NOT a Realtor, Agent or Broker), just our property manager whom we trust with all of our sales, as she manages our many property rentals, while we are living out of state. Her number is beside my name at the bottom of the listing. She will send an interested purchaser the contractual letter of intent (already signed by me), after a picture of that individuals ID is texted for verification and their email address. This contract which states that the $800 is fully refundable, once the walk thru happens, if you no longer want it, will be sent to you. However, it is also made clear that the seller will not give the notice to the tenants until the $800 cash, is confirmed being received via deposit, via MoneyGram is completed. I will at that point, once funds are confirmed to have been received, by my mom, will remove the listing offline, so it will revert to the original \"sold\" status from when I purchased it, or read \"off market\" or \"sale pending\". Following that, also giving the notice to the tenants of the walk thru happening in 3 days. If after the walk thru the purchaser still wants to move forward, then the balance $10,000 will either be due at closing or over 5 years owner financing at $167 a month. No interest is attached and we will pay all taxes for the property for the entire 5 years, if the $167 monthly option is taken! Closing will be on the 15th of July and the home will be able to be possessed at that time. Closing costs and title fees will be paid by me, at closing and thru a title company. (PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THE TITLE COMPANY WILL NOT BE INVOLVED UNTIL AFTER THE WALK THRU COMMENCES AND PURCHASER AGREES TO THE FULL SALE, AND CLOSING PROCEEDS). If you are not a first time buyer with the $800 via Moneygram, sent to my mom sent, and you are not willing to follow the process we have stated above, then this home is not for you! PERIOD. So, please don't contact our property manager to waste her time! However, if you are ready and willing to do the process, without hesitation, then call our property manager, Mandi today on (702) 287-3984.
Basic Details
Square Feet
1,006 ft2
Year Built
Interior Details
Exterior Details