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Emerywood Ln
Orlando, FL
4 Bed
3.0 Bath
2422 ft2

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If you are an agent and you do not see this listing in your MLS, you may wish to ask the seller to sign a Single-Party Compensation Agreement.

Besides the wonderful neighbors, two items we wish we could take with us would be the pool/back yard area and the giant master bedroom closet with custom shelving that can house over 70 shoes or whatever you collect. This is a much loved and cared-for family home.
Besides the wonderful neighbors, two items we wish we could take with us would be the pool/back yard area and the giant master bedroom closet with custom shelving that can house over 70 shoes or whatever you collect. This is a much loved and cared-for family home.
Basic Details
Square Feet
2,422 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
House (Single Family Residence)
Interior Details
Exterior Details