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River Hl Dr
Welaka, FL
4 Bed
2.0 Bath
2465 ft2

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Come and enjoy this beautiful new home! It is a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1,720 heated and cooled, large 2 car garage and front and back covered porch. Total under roof is 2,465 square feet. This home has a nice laundry room and vaulted ceilings in the living room and kitchen area. This is a split floor plan with plenty of room for your family to spread out in each of the large bedrooms. Please call Dawn for more information at #386-937-3272. Thanks
Come and enjoy this beautiful new home! It is a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1,720 heated and cooled, large 2 car garage and front and back covered porch. Total under roof is 2,465 square feet. This home has a nice laundry room and vaulted ceilings in the living room and kitchen area. This is a split floor plan with plenty of room for your family to spread out in each of the large bedrooms. Please call Dawn for more information at #386-937-3272. Thanks
Basic Details
Square Feet
2,465 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
House (Single Family Residence)
Interior Details
Exterior Details