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Commercial Ave
Lake Isabella, CA
2 Bed
1.0 Bath
944 ft2

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RE posted 7-10-23 Reduced Price, will consider 5 year lease option. large fenced yard, fruit and nut trees, fenced, all appliances go with. clothes line nice for alternative drying. good neighbors wall to wall carpets in great shape. full cement driveway rv and boat parking wheel chair ramp to front door.garage with auto opener & carpeted, doggy door in garage. house carpeted. close to freeway and shopping, paved streetlarge yard, fruit and nut trees, room for garden cement driveway, fully fenced,swam cooler in garage and house, ceiling fans garage and house, auto garage opener, sunsetter awning automatic, paved streets, fire station 1/2 block away. beautiful mountain views. easy access to freeway, supermarkets and shopping blocks away.
RE posted 7-10-23 Reduced Price, will consider 5 year lease option. large fenced yard, fruit and nut trees, fenced, all appliances go with. clothes line nice for alternative drying. good neighbors wall to wall carpets in great shape. full cement driveway rv and boat parking wheel chair ramp to front door.garage with auto opener & carpeted, doggy door in garage. house carpeted. close to freeway and shopping, paved streetlarge yard, fruit and nut trees, room for garden cement driveway, fully fenced,swam cooler in garage and house, ceiling fans garage and house, auto garage opener, sunsetter awning automatic, paved streets, fire station 1/2 block away. beautiful mountain views. easy access to freeway, supermarkets and shopping blocks away.
Basic Details
Square Feet
944 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
Interior Details
Exterior Details