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El Monte Rd
Lakeside, CA
3 Bed
1.0 Bath
1500 ft2

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Just under 5 acres San Diego river run through it. Trailer house needs work. Garage in great shape, cleared for fire break. Beautiful view of El Capitan is in foot hills of Mountain. Well, Septc and electricity. Trailer hook ups. Fenced in.The beauty of the surrounding area, seclusion, quit, live stock and farming zone, two entrances one on Willow and one on El Monte Rd. Off yucca and Mountain Place.
Just under 5 acres San Diego river run through it. Trailer house needs work. Garage in great shape, cleared for fire break. Beautiful view of El Capitan is in foot hills of Mountain. Well, Septc and electricity. Trailer hook ups. Fenced in.The beauty of the surrounding area, seclusion, quit, live stock and farming zone, two entrances one on Willow and one on El Monte Rd. Off yucca and Mountain Place.
Basic Details
Square Feet
1,500 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
Interior Details
Exterior Details