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Mexico Beach, FL
3 Bed
2.0 Bath
1611 ft2

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Hanging out in the great room and looking out at the Gulf of Mexico is what we will miss most. Being one of four penthouse units, it is very private and no one really comes upstairs to hang around. Only sometimes to see a sunset or fireworks on the 4th of July. Being able to come and go as we please without worrying about any of the maintenance and upkeep of a home was just right for us.
Hanging out in the great room and looking out at the Gulf of Mexico is what we will miss most. Being one of four penthouse units, it is very private and no one really comes upstairs to hang around. Only sometimes to see a sunset or fireworks on the 4th of July. Being able to come and go as we please without worrying about any of the maintenance and upkeep of a home was just right for us.
Basic Details
Square Feet
1,611 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
Interior Details
Exterior Details