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Allard Ave
Eureka, CA
0 Bed
0 Bath
0 ft2

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Single wide one bedroom mobile home, one bath. Parking space for up to two vehicles depending on size. Fenced up patio space can be used for relaxing, reading, gardening, artistic space, etc. There is a greenhouse in the large garage attached to this mobile home. The garage will lead you to a door to the back end of the home, the garage itself has a washer/dryer hookup and tons of space for storage or workman shop, etc. The mobile home is being sold as is, and needs a bit of TLC. Has a lot of potential to be a home to a new couple or a single person. If you want to set up a walk through, talk about more details or pitch an offer please call Lupita Wright 707-498-4454. Not entirely sure the year built, assuming around 1990.
Single wide one bedroom mobile home, one bath. Parking space for up to two vehicles depending on size. Fenced up patio space can be used for relaxing, reading, gardening, artistic space, etc. There is a greenhouse in the large garage attached to this mobile home. The garage will lead you to a door to the back end of the home, the garage itself has a washer/dryer hookup and tons of space for storage or workman shop, etc. The mobile home is being sold as is, and needs a bit of TLC. Has a lot of potential to be a home to a new couple or a single person. If you want to set up a walk through, talk about more details or pitch an offer please call Lupita Wright 707-498-4454. Not entirely sure the year built, assuming around 1990.
Basic Details
Year Built
Interior Details
Exterior Details