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Sheila Ln
North Port, FL
3 Bed
2.0 Bath
1520 ft2

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2541 Sheila Ln, North Port, FL 34286 3 Bed / 2 Bath / 1 Car Garage 1,520 sqft 10,000 sqft Lot 2004 Year Build Comps: 2541 Sheila Ln Sold $360,000 04/03/23 2698 Zuber Lane Sold $354,900 05/25/23 Looking for cash buyer Prior to submitting an offer, please make sure to provide proof of funds Call or text
2541 Sheila Ln, North Port, FL 34286 3 Bed / 2 Bath / 1 Car Garage 1,520 sqft 10,000 sqft Lot 2004 Year Build Comps: 2541 Sheila Ln Sold $360,000 04/03/23 2698 Zuber Lane Sold $354,900 05/25/23 Looking for cash buyer Prior to submitting an offer, please make sure to provide proof of funds Call or text
Basic Details
Square Feet
1,520 ft2
Interior Details
Exterior Details