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San Diego, CA
0 Bed
0 Bath
0 ft2

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It is a fixer upper needs a lot of work. Two story home, entrance to upstairs balcony over looking the Pacific Ocean, fire place. This home is located in Rosarito Baja California. It is a very nice vacation home. But there are residence who do occupy there home. My name is Maria Buso Home: 1(805)845-8325 Cell: 451-1009 I live in Santa Barbara CA. But if you are really interested I will work with you over the phone and if you need to personally view the home I will be able to show you the home. We can set up a date and time. Thank You Maria Buso
It is a fixer upper needs a lot of work. Two story home, entrance to upstairs balcony over looking the Pacific Ocean, fire place. This home is located in Rosarito Baja California. It is a very nice vacation home. But there are residence who do occupy there home. My name is Maria Buso Home: 1(805)845-8325 Cell: 451-1009 I live in Santa Barbara CA. But if you are really interested I will work with you over the phone and if you need to personally view the home I will be able to show you the home. We can set up a date and time. Thank You Maria Buso
Basic Details
Year Built
Interior Details
Exterior Details