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Roxbury Dr
San Bernardino, CA 92404

$50,000 heart
4 Bed
1.0 Bath
0 ft2
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I have a property for sale located in tecate baja California 25 minutes away from the tecate border it's like three houses away from the Main Street going towards Ensenada there's a lot of shopping centers and food grocery stores there's a gas station taco shops it's right in the middle of everything this property was given to me by my father and I don't have no plans on going and living in Mexico so I would like to sell it has 4 rooms built and one bathroom building a living room and a small business on the corner of the house not completed this will be a good project for someone that wants to go back to Mexico and live comfortably in peace and you can fix it up however you like I'm asking 50,000 or best offer I had plans to build it two stories so I built the bottom part strong with rebar so I can be a strong enough to build on top I have no plans on going back to Mexico so I would like to sell if you have any questions about the house and location I will happily help you message me or call me for more information
I have a property for sale located in tecate baja California 25 minutes away from the tecate border it's like three houses away from the Main Street going towards Ensenada there's a lot of shopping centers and food grocery stores there's a gas station taco shops it's right in the middle of everything this property was given to me by my father and I don't have no plans on going and living in Mexico so I would like to sell it has 4 rooms built and one bathroom building a living room and a small business on the corner of the house not completed this will be a good project for someone that wants to go back to Mexico and live comfortably in peace and you can fix it up however you like I'm asking 50,000 or best offer I had plans to build it two stories so I built the bottom part strong with rebar so I can be a strong enough to build on top I have no plans on going back to Mexico so I would like to sell if you have any questions about the house and location I will happily help you message me or call me for more information
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