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Los Angeles, CA
4 Bed
3.0 Bath
2277 ft2

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Classic craftsman bungalow with century old workmanship, located in the heart of Hollywood near Franklin and Cahuenga. 4 bedrooms/3 baths, with formal dining room, separate breakfast nook, separate laundry room. Hardwood floor, build-in cabinet and bookshelves, dark wood trim and wainscoting. This is all 2277 sqft in 2 floors. The lot is 6747 sqft. My understanding is that the house is zoned minimum 1500 sqft per unit, so there is a potential to build 4 units. The house is currently rented. With the serious uncertainty of rental business, and worsening homelessness and squatting, I'm looking to get out of Ca. Contact me if you have any questions. Please do not disturb the tenants.
Classic craftsman bungalow with century old workmanship, located in the heart of Hollywood near Franklin and Cahuenga. 4 bedrooms/3 baths, with formal dining room, separate breakfast nook, separate laundry room. Hardwood floor, build-in cabinet and bookshelves, dark wood trim and wainscoting. This is all 2277 sqft in 2 floors. The lot is 6747 sqft. My understanding is that the house is zoned minimum 1500 sqft per unit, so there is a potential to build 4 units. The house is currently rented. With the serious uncertainty of rental business, and worsening homelessness and squatting, I'm looking to get out of Ca. Contact me if you have any questions. Please do not disturb the tenants.
Basic Details
Square Feet
2,277 ft2
Interior Details
Exterior Details