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58th Ave N
St. Petersburg, FL
0 Bed
0 Bath
0 ft2

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This trailer park home is located in St. Petersburg in the ALL AGES Palm Haven Community. The low lot fees of just $750 monthly includes water, sewer, and trash! You could be a home owner with just $19.500! This is perfect if you are trying to find a place for your parents or if you are just a kid trying to move out of their parents' house. Whatever your situation, this is your solution! This house features 2 sheds in the back, ample parking space, a great exterior with new windows on half of the trailer. 1 window is slightly cracked, but still functional. The bathroom has a nice sized tub and the bedroom is a spacious room with 3 closets for extra storage space. Don't miss this opportunity to make some extra profit by fixing it up a little and making that equity fast! Or relax and just worry about the small things later. A few things could be spruced up like the flooring (the fridge leaked a little on the floor and now it is rising. Attempting to patch this up this weekend.) And under the bathroom sink, 2 years ago I patched up a small hole with plumbers' tape and it's been working ever since. Call today to set up a showing or if you have any questions! Please leave a voicemail if I do not answer, and I will surely get back to you quickly. Thanks!
This trailer park home is located in St. Petersburg in the ALL AGES Palm Haven Community. The low lot fees of just $750 monthly includes water, sewer, and trash! You could be a home owner with just $19.500! This is perfect if you are trying to find a place for your parents or if you are just a kid trying to move out of their parents' house. Whatever your situation, this is your solution! This house features 2 sheds in the back, ample parking space, a great exterior with new windows on half of the trailer. 1 window is slightly cracked, but still functional. The bathroom has a nice sized tub and the bedroom is a spacious room with 3 closets for extra storage space. Don't miss this opportunity to make some extra profit by fixing it up a little and making that equity fast! Or relax and just worry about the small things later. A few things could be spruced up like the flooring (the fridge leaked a little on the floor and now it is rising. Attempting to patch this up this weekend.) And under the bathroom sink, 2 years ago I patched up a small hole with plumbers' tape and it's been working ever since. Call today to set up a showing or if you have any questions! Please leave a voicemail if I do not answer, and I will surely get back to you quickly. Thanks!
Basic Details
Year Built
Interior Details
Exterior Details