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Port Comfort Dr
East Palatka, FL
3 Bed
2.0 Bath
0 ft2

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If you are an agent and you do not see this listing in your MLS, you may wish to ask the seller to sign a Single-Party Compensation Agreement.

ASSIGNMENT Purchase Price: $160,000 COE: 03/10/24 EMD: $5,000 ACCESS: By appointment Vacant Layout: 3 beds, 2 baths Condition: Needs new roof Needs new septic Flooring: Hardwood( Good condition) Siding: Wood Water: Needs to be connected to the city Furnace: Less than 5 years old HVAC: Less than 5 years old Electrical: Good condition Plumbing: PVC Foundation: Crawlspace Carports
ASSIGNMENT Purchase Price: $160,000 COE: 03/10/24 EMD: $5,000 ACCESS: By appointment Vacant Layout: 3 beds, 2 baths Condition: Needs new roof Needs new septic Flooring: Hardwood( Good condition) Siding: Wood Water: Needs to be connected to the city Furnace: Less than 5 years old HVAC: Less than 5 years old Electrical: Good condition Plumbing: PVC Foundation: Crawlspace Carports
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