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S McMullen Booth Rd
#STE 201
Clearwater, FL
1 Bed
1.0 Bath
520 ft2

✕ indicates that this listing is not listed in the MLS
If you are a buyer with an agent and this listing is not in the MLS, you may want to ask the seller if they are open to compensating your agent. If they are not open to this, you always have the option of compensating your agent from your own funds.
If you are an agent and you do not see this listing in your MLS, you may wish to ask the seller to sign a Single-Party Compensation Agreement.

The 55+ unit has private parking, and comes fully furnished to include washer/dryer, televisions in two rooms, outdoor grill, and all kitchen appliances. The unit contains a newly serviced mini-split air conditioning unit (no window units) and a new hot water was installed in 2023. Seller will entertain all reasonable offers, park approval is required.
The 55+ unit has private parking, and comes fully furnished to include washer/dryer, televisions in two rooms, outdoor grill, and all kitchen appliances. The unit contains a newly serviced mini-split air conditioning unit (no window units) and a new hot water was installed in 2023. Seller will entertain all reasonable offers, park approval is required.
Basic Details
Square Feet
520 ft2
Year Built
Property Type
Interior Details
Exterior Details