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10201 W Beaver St #120
Jacksonville, FL 32220

$98,500 heart
0 Bed
0 Bath
0 ft2
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If you are an agent and you do not see this listing in your MLS, you may wish to ask the seller to sign a Single-Party Compensation Agreement.
In Person or Live Video Tour with Seller
10 Photos
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3D Tour
Beautiful, well maintained home situated on a lovely cul-de-sac located right near the lake. Watch the red ducks walk across the fairway toward the lake and the bluebirds fussing in the trees. This home is in a very quiet, established part of the neighborhood, not far from the mailboxes, pool or basketball court. I am transferring to Tampa for a new position.
Beautiful, well maintained home situated on a lovely cul-de-sac located right near the lake. Watch the red ducks walk across the fairway toward the lake and the bluebirds fussing in the trees. This home is in a very quiet, established part of the neighborhood, not far from the mailboxes, pool or basketball court. I am transferring to Tampa for a new position.
Basic Details
Year Built
Interior Details
Exterior Details